
HTTPS is Quickly Becoming A “Must Have”

Google is really pushing SSL, with some recent announcements aimed at getting the web secure. Those sites still on http – in whole or in part – need to migrate the entire site to SSL early this next year to stay in Google’s good graces. With “Mobilepocalypse”, we saw that Google makes an announcement before […]

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SEO Forecast 2016: What Needs To Be On Your Radar

The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) world continues to evolve at break-neck speed. Constant change is the only constant, as even the machine learning that governs the algorithms is in constant flux. The year 2016 will be no different, and here are the items to have on your radar. Here are 4 things to focus your […]

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Penguin Update Coming: An Ominous End to 2015

Gary Illyes of Google indicated the next Penguin update is by end-of-year. While not acknowledged by G ary Illes, this Penguin update is rumored to be continuous, and a permanent part of Google’s algorithm. If the rumors are true, it will be welcome relief for many sites that are penalized, making amends (through disavowing, etc), […]

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How Apple Is Changing The Mobile Internet

Remember back when Google focused on the user? Back before organic results were overtaken with PPC ads and knowledge graphs – and back before ads triggered by last night’s searches? It was a simpler time. Apple’s bold new moves hearken back to this simpler time, and their emphasis on user experience is likely to be […]

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The Constant Evolution of Google: What’s In, What’s Out

Google is constantly evolving, as the internet itself has evolved. Some of the many questions Google has asked to keep itself relevant include: How are people searching? How should results be formatted? How many answers does the user want? Are recommendations from friends helpful in this search? Is this a local search? Website Quality Google […]

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The SEO Implications of Getting “Hacked”

Websites are increasingly being hacked on autopilot. Intruders are using scripts to crawl the web and infect sites using outdated or insecure software. Including plugins, add-ons, and themes. Security is necessary for web marketing to be successful, and SEO is particularly vulnerable. 1. Spammy Content Intruders typically want to use a website’s existing authority in […]

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Google’s “Quality Update” Rewards Positive Behavior

Google’s updates have been focused around penalizing bad behavior: low quality links, duplicate or thin content, ad heavy pages, doorway pages, and more. But at the beginning of May, a mysterious Google update was released that looks to be more focused on boosting the right sites. Google officially claimed there was no update, then later […]

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Conversion is King

Content is helpful, but conversion is everything. The point of content – and usability in general – is to meet business objectives. Any business objective can be a conversion of sorts: bookmarking, social sharing/liking, video views, time on site, lead generation, add to cart, and hopefully even completing the sale! By measuring each step, brands can understand […]

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Kick-Start Your SEO in 2015

The search engine optimization (SEO) industry has certainly evolved these last few years. The many Google updates – and their sometimes heavy-handed penalties – in addition to an explosion of mobile traffic have shaped the rules for SEO and online marketing. When we look at what’s working at the end of 2014, we see just […]

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