Make your content easily shared, linked and read

Technical SEO is increasingly about helping people share content from a website. After all, content should be shared, linked to, and – dare I say – read. Perhaps a more appropriate usage term is “consumed,” since content strategy increasingly includes visuals, podcasts, webinars and multimedia.

Many sites are not optimized to take full advantage of new and evolving distribution channels for existing content. The “Social Sharability” and “Social Visibility” of content can be maximized by using these techniques:

  • Share buttons: To share the specific URL being viewed.
  • Follow buttons: To follow the website’s brand on social media networks.
  • Facebook Open Graph tags, Twitter cards, Pinterest “Rich pins”: These social networks have specific tags that can be added to on-page website code. Once implemented, posts about your website will feature larger images and tailor-made descriptions to make posts more visible in newsfeeds when shared.
  • Google has indicated that implementation of code on your website is of high importance. Much like the other social network cards, tags and pins, URLs using code have much better presentation, draw more attention, and are shared more often. can also maximize your site’s presence in search results: These tags power the review stars and other features in the search results themselves.

Content should be readable and consumable, especially on mobile devices.

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